Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Keep the Roses??

I'll admit that when I look at the four big pots I'm currently using for my rose bushes, most of the time I think about tossing the roses so I can grow some food in those pots. They are just "extra" and provide no tangible return of any kind. Right?

Then I see such a perfect looking rose that all I can think about is how much Heather or Lily might like to have such a pretty flower next to their bedside. It is then that my compulsion to grow all the fruits and vegetables my family eats takes a back seat to my desire to strengthen the connection to my girls with the simple, elegant gift of a perfect rose.

This particular rose reminded me that I can't just grow plants that I want to eat. There are plants that just need to be appreciated for their beauty, not for what they can provide us. Life isn't all about mathematics, that is, doing things only for a good return on investment. Sometimes the extras are essential. I may be missing an opportunity to grow some more food, but I'll reap dividends in the relationship to my girls. The roses will stay.

Happy gardening! Cheers!

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